All materials are recyclable thanks to separate collection, but plastic is perhaps the best raw material for almost complete recycling, even if attention must be paid to the type.
Plastics as such are not biodegradable. They can withstand the action of atmospheric agents for hundreds of years. Furthermore, if incinerated, it generates extremely toxic substances, such as dioxin.
For this reason, recycling is the most effective way of disposing of plastic waste, but recycling is only possible for certain types of plastics, and in any case involves variable costs and results depending on the material used.

That is why recycling plastics is a duty. We have decided to make you aware of recycling with this short guide.
Let’s start with the more “technical” part, that is to say, exploring the processes by which plastic is technically recycled in the strictest sense and all the variants that are on the market.
There are 7 types of recyclable plastics thanks to separate collection. Each one is identified by a code also indicated on the packaging of the product or object:

PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP (polypropylene), PS (polystyrene) and others.
The first two types are the most easily recyclable. This is precisely why they are used for the production of packaging for consumer food products.